
The Junior Marketing Association: Empowering Future Marketers 2024

 In its 37th year as the leading national federation for all junior marketing associations, the Philippine Junior Marketing Association (PJMA) convened with its member schools to collectively commemorate the commencement of the new term.

This gathering, dubbed “Iconic! Striking Lasting Impressions,” took place on January 27, 2024, at the Centennial Building Auditorium of Jose Rizal University.

PJMA’s General Assembly 2024: Elevating Marketing Strategies in the Era of TikTok Influencers

Amidst the surge of TikTok influencers, brands, and content creators, PJMA’s General Assembly 2024 showcased the resilience of marketing tactics bolstered by impactful signature imprints and daring strategies like guerrilla marketing.

Prince Cacho, Vice President for Research and Development and Co-Project Head of the General Assembly, underscored the significance of leaving a lasting legacy in his statement: “Being iconic isn’t merely about garnering attention; it’s about crafting a heritage that echoes through the annals of time.”

Insights from Distinguished Speakers at PJMA’s General Assembly 2024

Insights from Distinguished Speakers at PJMA's General Assembly 2024
Source: bnnbreaking

The PJMA’s General Assembly 2024 featured notable speakers who shared invaluable insights into various aspects of marketing, empowering attendees with actionable strategies and wisdom.

1. Mastering Virality: “Becoming Contagiously Iconic” by Jorge Wieneke

Renowned serial entrepreneur Jorge Wieneke took the stage to delve into the intricacies of achieving virality in the digital age.

Through his presentation on “Becoming Contagiously Iconic,” Wieneke offered profound insights into the elements that propel brands and content to viral status, enlightening attendees on the art of captivating audiences and leaving a lasting impression.

2. Crafting a Timeless Personal Brand: “Crafting a Signature Imprint” by Jerry Yao

Jerry Yao, acclaimed as the marketing sensei of the Philippines, shared his expertise on cultivating a distinctive personal brand.

In his session titled “Crafting a Signature Imprint,” Yao emphasized the importance of exuding confidence and authenticity in one’s personal branding efforts.

Attendees gained valuable insights into the significance of establishing a timeless brand identity that resonates with audiences across generations.

3. Differentiation through Guerrilla Marketing: “Captivating the Crowd” by Jeano Cruz

Jeano Cruz, Partner and Creative Director of GIGIL, offered a fresh perspective on guerrilla marketing strategies aimed at captivating audiences in a cluttered marketplace.

In his engaging presentation titled “Captivating the Crowd,” Cruz highlighted the importance of differentiation and creativity in guerrilla marketing campaigns. Attendees learned how to leverage unconventional tactics to stand out and make a memorable impact in the minds of consumers.

PJMA’s Commitment to Empowering Marketistas

Aligned with PJMA’s mission of Crossing Borders, the National Executive Board 2023 to 2024 reaffirmed its dedication to equipping members with essential skills and expertise.

Under the overarching vision of “Traversing Dynamic Capacities,” the board pledged to support fellow marketistas in navigating and thriving amidst the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

Enhancing Engagement: Booth Exhibit and Closing Remarks at PJMA’s Annual Assembly

Enhancing Engagement: Booth Exhibit and Closing Remarks at PJMA's Annual Assembly
Source: assemblymag

At PJMA’s annual assembly, attendees and partners were treated to a vibrant booth exhibit featuring a myriad of internship opportunities, brand activations, and showcases of iconic JMA trademarks. The event also featured a captivating parade of university flags, injecting a dynamic atmosphere into the proceedings.

Booth Exhibit Highlights

The booth exhibit served as a hub of activity, offering attendees the chance to explore internship opportunities, engage with brands, and witness firsthand the innovative initiatives spearheaded by JMA.

From interactive displays to immersive brand experiences, the exhibit provided a platform for attendees to connect with industry leaders and explore potential career paths in marketing.

Closing Remarks by Shainah Babar

Shainah Babar, Vice President for Membership and Project Head for General Assembly, delivered poignant closing remarks, emphasizing the significance of authentic connections in the journey towards becoming iconic.

Babar reiterated that true icon status is not solely determined by what you sell but by the meaningful relationships you cultivate with people along the way.

PJMA’s Commitment to Industry Insights and Networking

As PJMA’s annual assembly draws to a close, it reinforces its role as a vital conduit for industry insights and networking opportunities.

By facilitating meaningful connections and providing valuable insights into the dynamic marketing landscape, the assembly ensures that participants remain well-informed and equipped to navigate the ever-changing terrain of marketing with confidence and agility.


PJMA’s annual assembly proved to be a resounding success, offering attendees and partners an immersive experience filled with valuable insights, networking opportunities, and engaging exhibits. From dynamic booth displays showcasing internship opportunities and brand activations to thought-provoking discussions on becoming iconic in the marketing realm, the event left a lasting impression on all who attended. Shainah Babar’s closing remarks underscored the importance of authentic connections in achieving true iconic status, resonating with participants as they departed with newfound knowledge and inspiration. PJMA’s commitment to fostering industry insights and networking remains unwavering, ensuring continued growth and success in the dynamic world of marketing.


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